Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our Trip to Charleston

I am married to a great man named Benjy, and we have two children. Karson, our daughter is five and a half, and Connor, our son, just turned three on Thursday. Words can truly not explain how blessed I am to have these three in my life. Over Karson's Spring Break (she is in kindergarten) we went to Charleston. Below are some pictures. Looking back through the pictures reminds me of how much fun our kids always seem to they have no worries in the world. I think it is because they know their Mommy and Daddy will constantly be there to protect them. We, too, can live that way. We have a God who holds the future and will bring us through any situation...working each event for his glory and our good, yet we so often worry and forfeit the peace Jesus paid dearly to give us. In our Wednesday night Bible Study at church, we are reading What Women Fear by Angie Smith (great book by the way). She wrote about a very sad time of her life in which the adults were crying, yet the kids were in the pool playing and having a blast. I assume they knew the adults were feeling enough sadness for everyone, so they might as well have some fun:). I want to live my life in such a way that I rejoice always...making the most out of every minute and allowing God to do the "worrying" for me. Jesus says in Luke 18:17, "Truly, I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." So, let's do as our children do...jump in the pool and leave the worrying to an extremely capable God.





1 comment:

  1. love love love that picture of Connor running... that is soooo him!
    And thanks for the reminder of trusting our fully capable God. As I move into this next phase of schooling for my boys, I have to constantly turn my worry over to Him.
