Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Off to the Beach

This past week, we took a girls' trip (well, girls and ConnorJ) to the beach. We had the best time.
My Favorites From the Trip:
Karson is literally a fish...she loved diving for rings in the pools. 
The way Karson becomes friends with random kids at the drop of a hat.
Connor being so proud of himself for going under the water and him playing in the submarine/kiddie play area for over two hours...as happy as could be
Connor loving his styrofoam water shooter
Conch Cafe Buffalo Shrimp (Yum! That's all I can say.)
The presence of God felt while looking out at the ocean at night
Sitting on the balcony talking to Jess (my AMAZING sister)
The ride back home laughing with truly the world's most wonderful Mom
Seeing Benjy when we got home.

I have included some pictures below from our trip.

 What's on my heart spiritually? The Holy Spirit, but that is just a little too deep for today. Look for it soon, though. Actually I'm discovering the topic isn't as complicated and allusive as I once thought, but I digress. What else? A reminder of the constant power and comfort we can take in God's word. I can't say I read the Bible for non-selfish reasons. It is truly my daily source of sanity. Every morning, I get up and have coffee with Jesus. There is just nothing like being in a quiet house, with little sleepy heads upstairs, praying, reading my Bible, and of course drinking coffee. For those who don’t know, I am a big coffee drinkerJ. Lately I've been reminded of the power of praying God's word. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12 that "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword…" I have found the Bible to be full of verses corresponding to every feeling, emotion, circumstance, hope, etc. I’m experiencing in my life. If you don't know how to find them, let me introduce you to a word called GoogleJ. That will do it. Just type, “Bible verse on ___________”and fill in the blank. After you find the verse, put it on an index card, and pray it. When you pray God's word, you are praying His will. I will give you an example. “Lord, please save me out of all my calamities and distresses.” This is my prayer for today taken from my quiet time this morning in the book of 1 Samuel. God's word is real, powerful, and pertinent to every day of our lives. Give it a try. I promise; it works.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.


My beautiful Mom (Granna) with the kids
Karson and Madi (my sister, Jessica's, daughter)
                                                        My sister, Jessica, with Madi


  1. Jodi, you are such a wonderful mother to my precious grandchildren and and awesome wife to my beloved son. God has sent me a blessing through you to care and pray for my loved ones. I love you more than words can express.
    Your relationship with your mom and sister is something many families long to have. I congratulate all of you.
    I would like to make a comment about the Holy Spirit if I may. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He said this; "But you shall receive power (ability, effiecency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judes and Samaria and to the ends of the (the very bounds) of the earth." (Acts 1:8 AMP) The Holy SPirit is your divine helper, counselor, advocate, intercessor, strengthener, and standby. He will take the things of Jesus and reveal them unto you for He is the spirit of truth sent to lead you into all truth. Acknowledge Him in everything you do; He will help you pray when you don't know how, and He will show you things to come. Don't ever be afraid to let Him move in and through you at any time. He only does what the Father tells Him!
    May I also say from experience that He will carry you through the fiery trials, the very hard seemingly impossible places, the despair of sorrow, and even the shadows of death. He will definately guide and strengthen you through it all. Just open your heart and listen. I love you, Your mother-in-law
    I pray for you and Benjy every day to have and enjoy a closer walk with HIM!

  2. Thanks for the sweet words. I love you, too. Your faith is a big inspiration to me. Also, the way you have selflessly given yourself to the boys is an amazing example of what Jesus speaks about in Matthew 25:40 (Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me). It is easy for us all to “talk” about helping others, but you are actually “doing” it.
    Also, you did raise a pretty amazing man that I happen to be married to, and for that my children and I reap the benefits every day, so I am eternally grateful:).
