Monday, November 12, 2012

I am...

-watching The Voice, and soooo excited that the Hallmark Christmas movies have started. Oh how I do love a good, or even mediocre, Christams movie.
-glad to have some quiet time with the kids all snuggled into their beds - yet wishing I wouldn't have nagged them so much in the process of getting them there.
-remembering how great it was to take part in The Lord’s Supper at church last night. It had been a long time since I’d had the opportunity to participate, and it was special to me. I got this strong, somewhat rare, feeling that we were experiencing something really close to what we are supposed to be doing here on earth as people who love Jesus. In the hustle and bustle of life it seems like we do so much that seems far away from who he really is. With all the “practices” and routines we participate in, partaking of The Lord’s Supper is an act He told us to do and showed us how to do in the Bible. It was amazing and heart wrenching to take a break from life and focus on his body and his blood and just how astounding he is and his sacrifice for us was…to think that he gave his life for us in every way is too good to take for granted. It was almost like pressing pause on this life and getting a glimpse of the one to come.
-thankful for an unplanned date with Benjy today Christmas shopping and having a yummy lunch at Jason’s Deli (thanks to my mom who graciously let Connor Bean hang out with her).

-laughing about the punk rock skateboard we bought Karson with pictures of these skull crossbones loving girls on it. Benjy says to me as we are pondering whether to buy it or not, “That girl has staples in her neck” referring to the print on the skateboard. That makes me laugh outloud as I’m typing. Ah, the things you do (and buy apparently) after you become a parent that you never thought you would.

-enjoying watching Karson practicing in her first ever season of basketball. According to her coach tonight, she will be the point guard. Safe to say, no one EVER said that about her mommy ha!

-beyond happy that two girls from our Wednesday night Bible Study got baptized last night at church and one former student of mine, as well.

Love to all!!!

PS – You should try this “I am” thing. It’s fun.






  1. Love this post... a nice spin on Eucharisteo! :)

    1. Thanks, Friend! Interesting that you would compare it to Eucharisteo:). Such a life changing concept!

  2. I am glad you are blogging again, and I am enjoying reading your posts.
    Love you.
