Saturday, November 3, 2012

Where have I been?

Well, my goodness. It has been over four months since I blogged. Where in the world have I been? This summer I led a Ladies' Bible Study in our house as well as the Bible Study I lead on Wednesday nights at church, so I took a sabbatical from blogging. I have learned that putting too much on my plate makes me less good for everyone, so I decided to focus on the Bible studies, but have been feeling the Holy Spirit prompting me to return to my blog now that summer is over, so here I am. It is Saturday morning, and my sweet little stinkers spent the night with their Granna last night, which they absolutely love doing. She spoils them beyond rotten. As a matter of fact, just yesterday at the store Connor (who is now three and a half) said to me, "Granna gets us everything." when talking about Granna buying him a cupcake at the store. Thanks a lot, Mom. Just kidding, I actually love the way she adores them.

So what's new? Karson has started first grade. She loves it. She is so sweet. Our most proud moment this year so far was when she got to move her clip up to pink (which is the better than good colorJ) for offering her breakfast juice to a new student and just drinking her water from her water bottle. Now, let me tell you, Karson does not like water, so for her to give away her “sweet” drink was BIG! She just finished her soccer season and loved it. Now we are on to basketball. She is quite the little athlete, and we have a lot of fun watching her play.

As for our little Connor Bean, he started pre-school this year. He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-1. He likes it, but I think he still likes being at home more. So far he hasn't gotten into trouble at school too much. He did have a little pinching incident, but we won't even go there because I'm sure it was the other kid's fault (Ha!!). He is such a fun child...ALL boy and definitely dynamite in a small package in each aspect of his personality. He makes me laugh out loud every day.

Spiritually, what's on my mind? I really like something I've been seeing on Mary Beth Whalen's blog (Cheaper by the Half Dozen) called “I am”. She writes "I am" and then fills in the blank, so here I go.

I am...

1. thankful for the desire and obedience to post a blog entry again. I have been through some spiritual struggles this summer and even into the fall. I haven't come all the way out, but I will tell you what I think I have learned from this time. Even what the enemy means for evil, Jesus uses for our good and for His glory, which makes me think of Romans 8:28. We sing some version of the lyrics to this thought in one our worship songs at church, and I am starting to have true buy in to it. It is so hard to figure life out sometimes...especially Christian life, but I think God is showing me that it really does take the difficult, doubtful, less thriving times to form the true complete picture of who we are supposed to be in him. Our “yuck” is a part of our story, and our story is what makes us able to be used by him and for him. Man, have I come a long way in the transparency department if I do say so myselfJ. Even one year ago, I probably wouldn't have told a soul that I had struggled spiritually, which leads me to my next ...

I am...

2. realizing that flaws are beautiful, too. What a relief! I read an article by Angie Smith recently called “The New Pretty”. Can I just say that I am so thankful for the women writers out there who are being brave enough to put themselves out there and be honest and transparent?!! I am now on a bandwagon for women to stop hiding their imperfections and be open with each other. We are who we are, and trying to be a perfect version of someone else is never going to happen and will leave us feeling defeated, anxious, and sad. We talk so much in our Wednesday night Bible Study about how when we compare ourselves to others we are actually comparing the worst we know about ourselves to the "best" they display for others to see. Maybe if we all started admitting our flaws and being more raw and authentic with each other, we could help one another not feel so inadequate. God gave us all different strengths and skills. It is okay if we aren't great at everything. We are enough! Even as I write that I feel a bit anxious. The day I believe that truly, will be a day I consider extremely victorious. I am not there yet, but at least the water is starting to bubble (I know that is an AMAZING metaphor ha!). As a side note, why are we enough? Because Jesus is enough. He is more than enough, and we are his, so we are enough. He gave so much (his entire human life) for us to have peace, yet we give it away freely. John 10:10 says, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” How often do we deny living the full life for a life of worry and doubt?

I am...

3. sooooooo thankful for my healthy, precious two children and my husband who works so hard for our family and puts us first always. I can't end this entry without saying how blessed I am.

Thank you for humoring me and reading my rambles. I know this was a long entry, but I guess that’s what happens when I don’t write for four monthsJ. I truly love all my friends and family out there and hope you are doing well.

Below are some pics for you to look through if you want.

PS - Think today about some of your less flattering qualities and how they have actually been used for good in your life or someone else’s life. And, if you want to be really daring, go ahead and share your flaws with others. I promise it won’t hurt as much as you think.
Karson waiting for her friends to arrive at her birthday party.

The friends have arrived.
Chick-fil-a day with our buds. We won't even mention the fact that my friend, Hannah, had on a mama cow shirt, and I had black dots taped,
yes I said taped,  all over my pink dress.
Ah, what stay at home moms will do for a free outing and free food.
Ha! For those who don't know, this is Karson and Madi, my niece. I fully realize they look like pitiful uncared for children, but this is how they look when they wake up in the morning, and it reminds me soooo much of Jess and me when we were little. This picture was taken very early in the morning on Karson's birthday while we were at the beach.

Sweet pic of Jess and Madi

We had the best time at Family Kingdom Amusement Park.
Here's Connor on a plane. He rode every ride he was tall enough to get on
 and would even stand on his tip toes to try to up his chances:).
I looooooooove this picture of Mom and Beny as they were watching
Karson and Connor on the bumper cars.
The kids must have ridden the junior roller coaster 20 times. They both loved it.


Karson's first time on a Ferris wheel.
Karson's first day of first grade.
Connor's first day of 3k.
The lunch box and backpack got too heavy:).




  1. Yay!!! so glad that you are back. Loved all the pictures from the summer... I hadnt seen most of those! Love those kiddos!

    1. Thanks, Friend! It does feel good to be back. We love your precious family, too...even little B.B.

  2. Just read your last updates, love all of the pics! Love the Chick-fil-a pics of yours and Hannah's kids, so cute!

    1. Thank you! I am excited about your blog, too, and next time, you and your boys will have to join us for CFA day. :) (If you don't mind dressing like a cow that is ha!)
